I was going to do this from the beginning but, I never have time! I survived the fiber drinks the first 10 days. I also made it through super bowl and the last 10 days without a beer!! I need to keep track of everything I eat and do today so, here goes.
I got up at 4:45am and started with the Catalyst and some Spark. At 5:00am I headed to the gym. I worked out til 6:00am. Before leaving the gym I took the first yellow pack of the ay so, I could eat after I get the kids up and going. 7:15am I ate my meal replacement bar and took the white pack with breakfast and 2 Omegaplex's. At about 10:00am I had a handful of nuts. We had to go to GJ real fast so I grabbed the rest of the pack of pills I needed and headed out. My plan was to take the pills 30 minutes before GJ so I we could eat when we got there. I ended up drinking all of my spark and forgot I needed something to drink to take my pills. So, I had to take ALL of the pills I needed for before lunch and during lunch at the same time. I managed to remember all of my Omegaplex's today too!!